Raw Food Enthusiast and Superfood Alchemist

Asha Wolf began her journey into delicious live foods in 1987. With a zest for life and and an adventurous spirit, one of her many passions is introducing her taste buds to new and exotic fruits and vegetables! She loves to create tasty and nutritious concoctions right in her own kitchen. In 2004 she was inspired to create a variety of tasty salads, and she compiled a wonderful all raw salad book for all to enjoy.

Asha is an equestrian, salad maker, joy seeker, backpacker, gardener, movement analyst, animal guardian, alpine addict, superfood alchemist, physical rehabist, yoga therapist and teacher, raw food enthusiast, tree hugger, marmot advocate, EFT believer, functional anatomy workshop leader, Terry Tempest Williams devotee, barefoot walker, fresh air worshiper, essential oil lover. She also holds a private practice in physical rehab using yoga as the primary modality of treatment.

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